Pre sign-upImpact League Detroit Summer/Fall 2024 NAME * First Name Last Name EMAIL * REPEAT EMAIL * PHONE * Country (###) ### #### YOUR AGE * DID YOU PLAY IN THE DETROIT WINTER 2024 SEASON? * Yes No Guest player DO YOU ALREADY HAVE A TEAM? * No Yes If yes, please insert your team name (minimum 8 players per team) WHICH GLOBAL GOALWOULD YOU LIKE TO CHAMPION? * Not sure yet? Pick the Goal you most likely will play for. You can change this later. GOAL 1: No Poverty GOAL 2: Zero Hunger GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being GOAL 4: Quality Education GOAL 5: Gender Equality GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation GOAL 7: Affordable & Clean Energy GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production GOAL 13: Climate Action GOAL 14: Life Below Water GOAL 15: Life on Land GOAL 16: Peace & Justice Strong Institutions GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goals WHICH MONTH WOULD BE THE IDEAL START FOR YOU? * May 2024 October 2024 Both is great! YES, I HAVE READ THE TERM & CONDITIONS * Yes Thank you! Your pre-sign-up is registret.We will be in contact about the next steps and availability for the Impact League Detroit Summer/FallF2024.Best, the Impact League team