“There is no better feeling than the feeling of belonging to a place. And playing with love and passion."
League Jordan 2022
From September to November 2022 102 female coaches living in Jordan (the 10 teams from the Eir Coach Program) played the first activist League season.
10 teams, 130 players aged aged 18 to 48.
62 five-a-side games.
123 hours of football training.
12.801 attendees to the teams 57 football events and community work for the Global Goals.
5,751 potential people reached, the team's Instagram profiles combined.
@phoenix_eir_coach - Global Goal 5 Gender Equality.
What makes the team unique?
“We are unique because we are a very sports diverse team, we have coaches training people in all kinds of sports like: Football, zumba, jiu jitsu, basketball, volleyball, swimming and cheerleading.”
Why is Global Goal 5 important to the team?
“To show that sport is for everybody, we recently made 3 events in public parks, where people of all genders and ages joined us on the field.”
Sustainable Sport
@sustainablesport - Partnerships For The Goals.
What makes your team unique?
We are unique because we fight for gender equality in a way where we also focus on men and boys, as we believe that we need to educate them about the fact that women can also play sports, in order for them to support us and start encouraging their women to take part.
Why is that Global Goal important to the team?
We can work with any goal we want, to us all the goals are important. It is about partnerships, and since the goal is to make partnerships with as many as possible, we want to be open for everybody. Our sub Goals are SDG 5 Gender Equality and SDG 1 No Poverty.
Dream Team
@the.dreamers1 - Global Goal 5 Gender Equality.
What makes your team unique?
Our team is from a refugee camp and we are the only women playing football there. Women have to be covered up and are not allowed to play in open spaces, therefore we created our own field and closed it off. A safe place for us to play and invite other women to join us and dress without the judgment of our society.
What activities did you deliver?
We made 5 events for kids in the camp and gathered around 120 people per month in 10 months.
@gold.team2022 - Global Goals 3 Good Health & Well-being.
What outcomes are you all working towards?
To help each other and keep everyone in the community active but not under the pressure of being committed to one place/gym. Trying to create a community of people that help each other stay active.
What strategy does your team have in place to continue working towards your Global Goal?
People asking us to do more sports events, therefore we want to do more football, basketball and a lot more. We are trying to make a collaboration with an app called “in to do” to reach more people. We also want to collaborate with “Run Jordan” to create marathons. We also will keep doing our night walks and cycling trips.
Leaf A Mark Jr.
@leafmarkjr - Global Goal 15 Life On Land.
What outcomes are you all working towards?
The goal is to encourage anyone in our country to care about the environment. We need the planet to stay green for the next generation.
What activities did you deliver to work towards those outcomes?
We went to 15 private schools, 3 public schools, and to refugee communities and encouraged them to plant.
We made a football event for children with down syndrome. We made football training and engaged them in football, for them to understand football techniques and also about the values of togetherness and celebrating the moment. 75 children took part in this event and 25 organizers.
@community_revival_foundation - Global Goal 4 Quality Education.
Why is Global Goal 4 important to the team?
We believe that proper physical education is a big factor to make people grow both mentally and physically, and most of the students from public schools in Jordan do not have access to proper physical education.
What activities did you deliver?
We have been hosting training sessions for both mothers, school teachers and kids, because they think that if you want to accomplish quality education for kids, you also have to teach their parents. We also did training events in generalized communities. We started a foundation called Revival Community Foundation to ensure the sustainability of what we do. And we started a jewelry line where 10% of the income is donated to sports community programs for women.
@keepers_23 - Global Goal 15 Life On Land.
Why is Global Goal 15 important to the team?
As a team, we think about life on land. Therefore our new action is that we are going to build houses for stray animals to sleep in, out of plastic bottles. Each house will include homemade food and water dispensers for people to fill up from time to time.
What makes your team unique?
The way we work together. When we want to make something, we all share our opinions before we decide what is most important and what we are going to do. We are all very different from each other. We managed to make big events without a lot of money. We only worked with the public schools to reach the poor kids.
Beat Team
@beateam22 - Global Goal 5 Gender Equality.
What makes your team unique?
The play spirit on and off the field. We lost all of our games but we still had a good spirit. It's about playing and having fun, not about winning. We tried to show people that football is for everyone.
How did your team help close the play gap in Jordan?
We play different kinds of sports with women and girls in schools and in public places. We try to make sport a part of their everyday life and not just something they do for a period. We do this to show the community and the world that sport is for everyone, not only for boys.
The Hunger Fighter
@the.hungerfighters Global Goal 2 Zero Hunger.
Why is Global Goal 2 important to the team?
We play for Goal 2 and try our best to make hunger less in our country, and teach kids to eat healthy. So far we have been to 3 schools and reached around 100 children. We love the giving feeling and believe in quality not quantity.
What message would your team want to give to other teams?
Enjoy every moment. It’s not about winning or losing, but meeting and creating friendships. Work together to achieve your goals in a high quality.
Tourist Football
@touristfootball - Global Goal 11 Sustainable Cities & Communities.
What makes your team unique?
We use football as the glue that brings people together. Therefore we made public football events by tourist attractions such as Jerash Roman city, so anyone who wanted could take part in the event. More than 300 locals and tourists from all over the world joined in.
What message would your team want to give to other teams?
Enjoy the small achievements. Leave everything beside and focus.
Congrats to the winners
Overall Winner: Keepers
Runner-up: Revive
3rd place: Dream Team
4th place: Leaf A Mark Jr. & Beat Team
Highest Play Spirit: Beat Team
Highest Football Points: Revive
Highest Style Points: Keepers
Highest Crowd Points: Leaf A Mark Jr. & Phoenix